European Network to connect research and innovation efforts on advanced Smart Textiles
COST Action CA17107 EVENTSEuropean Network to connect research and innovation efforts on advanced Smart Textiles
COST Action CA17107 EVENTSLast News
CONTEXT organizes a webinar to present funding opportunities and success stories for the development of smart textiles
CONTEXT organized, on 25th March, the webinar “Funding opportunities and success stories for the development of smart textiles”. The webinar started with an introduction to CONTEXT, by its Action Chair, Ariadna Detrell, Cluster Manager at AEI Tèxtils. The second part...
New call for conference grants opened!
The CONTEXT team is pleased to announce the launch of the 4th call for Conference Grants. Applications will be accepted from 15th to 31st March. More information available here.
CONTEXT Management Committee met on 3rd February
Representatives from 30 countries participated at the 4th Management Committee Meeting of CONTEXT, held virtually on 3rd February. During the meeting, the 3rd grant period working plan was updated, main activities foreseen will be postponed until summer/autumn and new...
CONTEXT has organized a webinar to present funding opportunities and success stories for the development of smart textiles
The webinar will take place on 25th March from 11 to 12.15h. Attendance is free but registration is required. Register here Download the programme
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CONTEXT organizes a webinar to present funding opportunities and success stories for the development of smart textiles
CONTEXT organized, on 25th March, the webinar “Funding opportunities and success stories for the development of smart textiles”. The webinar started with an introduction to CONTEXT, by its Action Chair, Ariadna Detrell, Cluster Manager at AEI Tèxtils. The second part...
New call for conference grants opened!
The CONTEXT team is pleased to announce the launch of the 4th call for Conference Grants. Applications will be accepted from 15th to 31st March. More information available here.
CONTEXT Management Committee met on 3rd February
Representatives from 30 countries participated at the 4th Management Committee Meeting of CONTEXT, held virtually on 3rd February. During the meeting, the 3rd grant period working plan was updated, main activities foreseen will be postponed until summer/autumn and new...
CONTEXT has organized a webinar to present funding opportunities and success stories for the development of smart textiles
The webinar will take place on 25th March from 11 to 12.15h. Attendance is free but registration is required. Register here Download the programme