European Network to connect research and innovation efforts on advanced Smart Textiles
COST Action CA17107 EVENTSEuropean Network to connect research and innovation efforts on advanced Smart Textiles
COST Action CA17107 EVENTSLast News
Follow the 1st CONTEXT live during January 31st!
Here, you can follow the 1st CONTEXT conference via live streaming. The conference will start its streaming at 9.30 am CET on January 31st 2019. All sessions in the program will be live streamed. After the conference, we will also publish the presentations and...
First CONTEXT Conference
The CONTEXT conference aims to publicly present the Network to main stakeholders, highlighting its origin and its added value in order involve the key players in the area of advanced textile materials such as researchers, the textile industry and the final users....
CONTEXT KO meeting
On October 11th CONTEXT was officially established in Brussels. The kick off meeting, held at COST facilities, gathered more than 40 experts representing the 27 countries that initially constituted the Management Committee of CONTEXT: Austria, Belgium, Bosnia...
CONTEXT will meet in Barcelona
On January 30th, 31st and February 1st, Barcelona will host several events CONTEXT. On January 30th in the afternoon, the first meeting of the 6 working groups will be held. The objective of this meeting is to share the different capacities of the...
Last News
Follow the 1st CONTEXT live during January 31st!
Here, you can follow the 1st CONTEXT conference via live streaming. The conference will start its streaming at 9.30 am CET on January 31st 2019. All sessions in the program will be live streamed. After the conference, we will also publish the presentations and...
First CONTEXT Conference
The CONTEXT conference aims to publicly present the Network to main stakeholders, highlighting its origin and its added value in order involve the key players in the area of advanced textile materials such as researchers, the textile industry and the final users....
CONTEXT KO meeting
On October 11th CONTEXT was officially established in Brussels. The kick off meeting, held at COST facilities, gathered more than 40 experts representing the 27 countries that initially constituted the Management Committee of CONTEXT: Austria, Belgium, Bosnia...
CONTEXT will meet in Barcelona
On January 30th, 31st and February 1st, Barcelona will host several events CONTEXT. On January 30th in the afternoon, the first meeting of the 6 working groups will be held. The objective of this meeting is to share the different capacities of the...