The collection and dissemination of the Action outcomes will be one of the most important tasks undertaken by the Dissemination & Communication Working Group, which will be set up to achieve maximum impact for the Action work.
An outbound dissemination strategy will be adopted to reach a wider European and International audience by presenting results and promoting partner collaboration in publications and conferences.
The following tools will be used to disseminate the Action’s results (ordered from wider/general audience to more concentrated/specialized groups):
- Action website.
- Articles and news in the media
- International Conference on Smart Textiles
- Electronic Newsletters
- Publications
- Strategic Workshops
- Training Schools
- Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSM)
Leader: Mr. Paulo Cadeia
Coleader: Dr. Ilda Kazani
The collection and dissemination of the Action outcomes will be one of the most important tasks undertaken by the Dissemination & Communication Working Group, which will be set up to achieve maximum impact for the Action work.
An outbound dissemination strategy will be adopted to reach a wider European and International audience by presenting results and promoting partner collaboration in publications and conferences.
The following tools will be used to disseminate the Action’s results (ordered from wider/general audience to more concentrated/specialized groups):
- Action website.
- Articles and news in the media
- International Conference on Smart Textiles
- Electronic Newsletters
- Publications
- Strategic Workshops
- Training Schools
- Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSM)
Leader: Mr. Paulo Cadeia
Coleader: Mr. Christian Tubito

CONTEXT MC meeting in Azores

CONTEXT core group met in Casablanca

CONTEXT participated at the InMotion conference

A new article published as a result of the cooperation among CONTEXT members

CONTEXT has issued its fifth newsletter

CONTEXT network met in Paris

CONTEXT network met in Ghent

Inmotion2022: Smart Textiles International Conference

Two new articles published as a result of the cooperation among CONTEXT members

CONTEXT at the CIRATM-9 conference

CONTEXT launches its second video