European Network to connect research and innovation efforts on advanced Smart Textiles
COST Action CA17107 EVENTSEuropean Network to connect research and innovation efforts on advanced Smart Textiles
COST Action CA17107 EVENTSLast News
CONTEXT presented in a workshop about technical textiles in Bucharest
On October 24th and 25th 2019, the international conference TexTech took place in Bucharest. The meeting was organized by the national textile research center of Rumania, INCDTP. During the 2-days conference, more than 30 experts from different countries presented...
CONTEXT organises a seminar relating to textile innovation for building and living
On October 15th and 16th 2019, CONTEXT organised together with the Textile ETP (European Textile Technology platform), IVGT (German Technical Textile Association) and FKT (German Textile Research Council) an International Seminar on Advanced and Smart Textiles in...
New calls opened! STSM and IC
The CONTEXT team is pleased to announce the launch of the 4th call for CONTEXT STSM (deadline November 8th 2019) and the 3rd call for International Conference (ICs with deadline October 31st 2019). More information available here: STSMICs
Success in the first training school organized by CONTEXT
From 17th to 20th September, the first training school organized by CONTEXT, the network of European experts in advanced textile materials, took place in Rethymno (Crete, Greece). Students included 16 professionals from 11 European countries with different profiles...
Last News
CONTEXT presented in a workshop about technical textiles in Bucharest
On October 24th and 25th 2019, the international conference TexTech took place in Bucharest. The meeting was organized by the national textile research center of Rumania, INCDTP. During the 2-days conference, more than 30 experts from different countries presented...
CONTEXT organises a seminar relating to textile innovation for building and living
On October 15th and 16th 2019, CONTEXT organised together with the Textile ETP (European Textile Technology platform), IVGT (German Technical Textile Association) and FKT (German Textile Research Council) an International Seminar on Advanced and Smart Textiles in...
New calls opened! STSM and IC
The CONTEXT team is pleased to announce the launch of the 4th call for CONTEXT STSM (deadline November 8th 2019) and the 3rd call for International Conference (ICs with deadline October 31st 2019). More information available here: STSMICs
Success in the first training school organized by CONTEXT
From 17th to 20th September, the first training school organized by CONTEXT, the network of European experts in advanced textile materials, took place in Rethymno (Crete, Greece). Students included 16 professionals from 11 European countries with different profiles...